China in Photos

China in Photos: Day No. 86 In Which I Share My Love for Glutinous Rice Balls & My Need for Novel Recommendations

Why do I have a feeling I’m going to have some weird porn-related spam after a title like that one?

But seriously, have you ever had a deep-fried rice ball filled with red bean paste and coated in crispy sesame seeds?

Or how about a greenish rice concoction like the ones above filled either with savory pork or red bean sweetness?

Sichuan cuisine doesn’t really do desserts the way other parts of China does, (and then, China doesn’t do desserts the way other countries do) but there is something about those dense chewy treats that is so rewarding.

These little balls made up of rice grains that have been soaked and pounded and ground into a paste and then filled with not-too-sweet fillings are something of an acquired taste; but once tried, then craved for ever after.

The mouth-filling rice gluten and the chewiness and the light sweetness at the center play off each other in such a strangely addicting way that it’s hard to stop at just one.

Of course, indulging in more than one is truly a gut-busting experience, and one that is sure to leave you wallowing in a pool of diet-guilt-hell for the rest of the night.  These are powerful little orbs of pure carbohydrates, after all.

Today’s Mid Autumn Moon Festival in China!  We have the day off and are going to use it to relax, visit a house-bound friend whose back is thrown out, borrow said friend’s washer and dryer to obtain some clean clothes, and maybe go on a photo walk tonight to see all of the celebration.

More photos to come!

And in other news, I need book recommendations.  Not only did I receive a very generous e-book card from my parents for my birthday (thanks Mom and Dad!) but Chris and I are about to spend 6 days on our honeymoon, on the beach, in Malaysia.  Which also means we will be spending at least 16 hours on airplanes.  Which means I need reading material!

I want to read some novels on our trip.  I have a bad habit of getting so caught up in a novel that I usually forget the rest of the world in it’s entirety-Chris, friends, eating, showering, sleeping-until I’m finished.  As such, I very rarely allow myself to read them in the real world when I have things to do, food to eat, friends to see, and a husband to love on.

Airplanes though are fair game for novels and I read scary-fast, so the longer and more complicated the book the better.  Chick-lit, fast-paced historical novels, and funny memoirs usually last me less than 3 hours, and I’m beginning to think that the less innately pleasing but probably more complex “literature” that critics love offers a better a bang for my buck.

So what say you?  Any ideas?  Any great books you’ve read lately?  I’d love to hear about them!

3 thoughts on “China in Photos: Day No. 86 In Which I Share My Love for Glutinous Rice Balls & My Need for Novel Recommendations

  1. I’ve been delighting in Murakami’s world this summer. But I was pretty late to the party. You’ve most likely read them, but that’s my 2 cents.
    Not chick-lit but a quick and entertaining read, it got a great review in the NYT and I enjoyed it immensely. The impressionists, Tom Rachman.
    “Chance encounters are what keep us going.”
    — Haruki Murakami (Kafka on the Shore)

  2. Ooooh Murakami sounds perfect, I think I might be picking up at least one for the beach. Thank you so much for the recommendation!! Hope things are going well in DC and that there is a beautiful fall there!

  3. Pingback: Indian Sweets | Hot Pot

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